Iron Beats Fatigue in Women

Iron Beats Fatigue in Women  Non-anaemic women with unexplained fatigue may benefit from iron supplementation, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal (2003, vol.326:1124).  Researchers randomly assigned 136 women between the ages of 18-55 either 80 milligrams of iron or placebo daily for four weeks.  Fatigue levels were similar in both groups at the start of the study.  At the end of one month, the level of fatigue decreased 29 percent in the group taking iron compared with a 13 percent decrease in the placebo group.  The researchers added that this effect may, however, be restricted to women with low or borderline blood concentrations of iron.  (Note we do not include iron in our formulas.  If you do need iron, it is best to take it between meals with a cracker, because it impedes the absorption of other nutrients.)